
8 Tips for Public Speaking From Serial Speakers

Recently I attended a workshop by Darren Tay, the champion of Toastmasters Worldcup . On a separate event, I was very privileged to speak to Richard Avery directly, a serial emcee and speaker for sport events. They really know how to talk! Below are the tips they shared about public speaking, […]

The Mirastars Project

Yes – the next project is coming soon! Introducing to you – Mirastars. Mira /ˈmaɪrə/, is a red giant star in the constellation of Cetus. In Latin, Mira has the meaning of: wonderful, remarkable, amazing, surprising, extraordinary. You just landed at a sky full of red giants! Wonderful stories here for […]

The Passion Defender

You have this one dream about changing the world. You have been thinking about it for the longest ever, you dream about it, breathe it and cannot live without it. You finally dare yourself to speak about it with friends and family.   “You are not going to be the […]


WIP #0: Work In Progress

Being at work for more than five years now, I have always felt lucky to land at a rather decent job (or prestige as some would call it), and even luckier I’m always surrounded by very supportive people. Grateful with all these kindness from others, I feel a sense of […]


It Is Alright To Be Different

Pareto’s Principle states that 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes, originally this was developed by Pareto who showed that approximately 80% of the land in Italy was owned by 20% of the population. This principle is so true as well in many of real life phenomena […]