Why Travel Solo and How to Savor It 1


Definition of Solo


What is solo travel for you? Do you associate that with “lonely”, “single”, “boring”, “odd” or “friendless”?

I remember very well my first solo travel ever (day trip to Penang Island, Malaysia). When I asked my parents, first reaction from my mom was “No! You are not going alone. It’s so dangerous! What’s the fun of going alone? I must go with you!” I bet you are laughing now, it’s just a day trip and I was already 21! Parents are sometimes over-protective. Anyway, I managed to convince them to send me off and pick me up after. Yay!

At the end of the day I was unquestionably happy – hey I can take care of myself! It was a short trip but also a big step, my parents and I both learned something from it. They accepted the fact that I was no longer a little girl, and I realized while my craving for freedom was satisfied it’s also time for me to be a lot more self-responsible in life. That same year, I was travelling in China for one month (half solo). 🙂 I always enjoy travelling with friends and family and I had actually more group trips than solo ones. The question is – would I not travel just because there was no one going with me?

I notice there are people who just not comfortable doing things alone. Those fears are not uncommon and we even have a term for fear of eating at restaurants alone – solomangarephobia..! Certainly I had the same insecurities too. I felt awkward to go cinema alone, eat out alone, travel alone.. that sounds very pitiful isn’t it? But now I don’t even find it a big deal! Let me share with you some reasons, if you want to know how then scroll down further.




1. You are empowered

  • Travel wherever and whenever you want. You don’t have to fix the itinerary with someone else. When can we take holiday together? Where are we visiting? Hotel or guesthouse? 3 or 7 days? Plane or train? …
  • It’s really nice to share the fun, food and photos together with travel mates! But, are you not seeing the museums because your friends want to go shopping in another city? Are you not watching the concert because you couldn’t find someone to go together?
  • Solo travel does not mean you have to be alone all the times. You have options – while flying you can talk to the one sitting next to you. You can invite someone to explore the city together. You can go to the bar and buy someone else a drink. Or if you decide to enjoy own sweet time, that’s perfect. Go ahead!

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2. It widens your horizon

  • We see the world as how our lenses define it, not as it is. Oftentimes our lenses framed by own culture, history, beliefs; going with someone from the same background might unconsciously reinforce the assumptions about a place. Wipe out the prejudgments and explore on your own! You will appreciate the world a lot more.


3. It is a process to grow yourself

  • If you think you have known yourself pretty well, you will be surprised! You might figure out new interests. Realize how daring you are after bungee jump. Amazed by your physical ability after jungle trekking. Solo travel is certainly a journey to soul awakening!
  • You make all decisions. You watch out for your own belongings and safety. You are responsible for all planning. You step out from your comfort zones. You talk to strangers. You become more confident and independent! More courageous and mature! Better at making judgements or taking challenges!


Mont Blanc

Captured when I was at Mont Blanc




1. Be open-minded

  • You come to see somewhere not your usual residence. So be open enough to embrace new experiences, new cultures, new languages, and new people!


2. Be flexible

  • Get ready that random occasions can happen which might change your plan. Even you might have researched earlier a lot info can be out-dated. So, be prepared to adjust your plan and emotions on the spot!


3. Be positive

  • Think positively and positive things will come! Think of nice people, yummy food, and a threat-free journey, you will attract what you think! (Stop thinking of pick-pockets, robbers, strange followers, losing money, missing passport.. . The more you think about it the more likely it’s going to happen. Believe it or not – read Law of Attraction – New Thought.)





  • Smart phone is not just for Facebook and Whatsapp! I have a separate post about how to leverage phone applications for travelling, those apps really save my time and are very convenient to use! You can view the post here.





Can this be your new definition of “Solo”?


Recently I just came back from a 3-week Europe trip. When I was in Brussels, I hanged out with another Canadian lady for a drink. Two Belgians joined us and they were curious how we knew each other, so she said, “I was lonely, she was lonely, and so we hanged out.” “Hang on,” I corrected her immediately – “We are alone, but we are not lonely. 🙂 ” That’s a big difference!


Being alone is not lonely, you can still feel lonely even you are with someone else. I really hope that after browsing the entire post, you now have a new definition of “solo travel”!


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